2021 Press Releases

Warren Community Connectors Program to Kick Off Feb. 1st

Jan 23, 2017
The 2016-2017 Warren Community Connectors program will kick off on February 1st with an event, featuring special guest speaker Patrice Kouvas, vice chair of AVI Foodsystems, and Warren City Schools Superintendent Steve Chiaro, for Warren City Schools’ students, parents/guardians and educators; community leaders; and businesses that are interested in offering internship, externship and mentoring opportunities.
The 2016-2017 Warren Community Connectors program will kick off on February 1st with an event, featuring special guest speaker Patrice Kouvas, vice chair of AVI Foodsystems, and Warren City Schools Superintendent Steve Chiaro, for Warren City Schools’ students, parents/guardians and educators; community leaders; and businesses that are interested in offering internship, externship and mentoring opportunities.

At the event— held from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Warren G. Harding High School’s library — attendees will learn more about the program that is aimed at making students in 11th and 12th grades workforce ready by matching them to job and mentorship opportunities, as well as providing job shadowing and internships, all within the local business community. Students in the program learn basic jobs skills such as résumé writing, interviewing techniques, time management, team collaboration and appropriate dress for the workplace.

The Ohio Department of Education awarded the Regional Chamber two $100,000 grants for the second round of its Community Connectors school mentorship program in June. While the program launched in 2015-2016 school year with Youngstown City School students, the program was extended to the Warren City School District for the 2016-2017 school year.

Those individuals or companies interested in becoming or providing mentors, and those interested in attending the Warren Community Connectors event, should RSVP to School Site Coordinator Michael Engram at (330) 841-2316, x2484 or Michael.Engram@neomin.org by January 30th. In addition, you can register here.

The local grant opportunity is a collaboration of the Regional Chamber, Kent State University Trumbull Campus, Eastern Gateway Community College and Teen Straight Talk.

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